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City of Sanctuary UK are actively seeking ways to be more explicit in our anti-racism. Welcome includes being consciously anti-racist and we need to be actively working towards the elimination of racism in our society. Please also see our statement in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. 

We acknowledge that many of us and the thousands of passionate volunteers across the network and growing movement live with white privilege. And sometimes we can forget because we don’t experience the negative aspects of racism ourselves. We need to be able to always recognise it and call it out when we witness it. We know it is endemic in our society and institutions and has been embedded for centuries. The hostile environment is underpinned by racism, exacerbates it and threatens to turn back any small progress made.

In the words of Angela Davis: 

In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist. We must be anti-racist.

This is why we need to be actively thinking about how we can contribute to the anti-racist movement and stand up against racism. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel because there is good work already happening – but we do need to spend some time learning, reading, watching, listening and challenging ourselves and developing the confidence to challenge others. These resources meet  a range of learning styles. Some of them require hours of study. Other resources will take less time to learn something.

This section of resources is still in development and is not exhaustive. It provides links to existing resources. Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any relevant ideas, inspirational resources, courses etc. which you think we could add.  We are grateful for all the good work that is happening and remain open to ongoing learning and development.

Together, we can build the just and equal society essential to our vision of a welcoming society.